Primitive, Atomicity, and Essence

Primitive :
Pit-dwellings are the first building appearing in a history text book in Japan. These primitive buildings have historically emerged and developed as a shelter to protect human-beings from severe nature and fierce animals. In Japan, where ligneous resources were widely available from the vast forest area of its territory, the major structure of pit-dwellings consisted of four wooden pillars and four wooden beams (fig.1). This composition, one of the original forms of architecture, is adapted to the pavilion design.

Atomicity :
Inside of primitive buildings, pit-dwellings, was a place to ensure people’s safety from the weather condition which is changing from moment to moment. Today, buildings in architectural studies have evolved more than safe place in which it embraces our cultural, economical, and various life activities. The design concept of the pavilion reinterprets the fundamental function of primitive buildings and transformation into contemporary architecture. Should primitive buildings alleviate the impact of a change in the weather to our lives, an umbrella can be considered as one of those and a minimum unit of a building in architecture (fig.2). This pavillion is architecture as the collective body of architectural atomicity.

Essence :
Basic geometric shapes such as rectangles, triangles, and circles are one of the key elements to compound an architectural structure, and its simplicity guides to shape the luminous form to all who perceives objects (fig. 3). The pavilion design pursuits essential aesthetics in architectural design by assembling different rectangle shapes on its facade.

Project Info

Location: Kagoshima, Japan
Type: Pavillion
Year: 2015
Status: Completed
Design Principal: Kenji Hada, Mayu Sasaki, Shin'ichi Inagaki
Design Development: Hirotaka Matsuda, Shogo Motoyama
Press: Kenji Hada, Machi Hayashida, Misato Horiuchi, Shin'ichi Inagaki
Administration: Chika Torisaki, Nozomi Nakamura, Risa Nanameki, Shingo Kuraoka, Yudai Tanaka, Yuko Kitanosono, Yurika Matsunoshita
Collaborator: Shibundo Co., Ltd (Press Printing)
Credit: Katamu Agemura (Photo of Nagayoshi's Excavation Site in Kagoshima)